Classmates Rally for Highland Park Student

Classmates Rally for Highland Park Student

The importance of organ donation has hit a whole new level of awareness at Highland Park Elementary as one of their own has just received a new liver.

Avree Tilden attends kindergarten at Highland Park Elementary in Armstrong. She was born with a childhood liver disease. It has affected Avree’s health and stamina, as her immune system was compromised.

She was placed on the transplant list, and in February of this year, she received a new liver in Edmonton!

For the month of April, in honour of Avree and Organ Donation Awareness Month, the staff and students at Highland Park are collecting coins for Avree and her family. At the April school assembly, the staff and students wore green shirts in recognition of Organ Donation Awareness Month. Photos were shared of Avree at the hospital and teacher Kim Sandberg, who is in touch with the family, shared messages from Avree and her family with the students. Avree’s mom reports that she is up and moving around. She also mentioned that Avree loves receiving pictures from her classmates and is looking forward to getting back to learning again.

After the assembly, a photo was taken of the entire assembly in their green shirts, which they sent with well wishes to Avree and her family.

Another photo sent to Avree, shows her classmates wearing ‘Avree Strong’ t-shirts. The Veenstra family made the t-shirts for everyone in the class as well as for Avree and her brothers. 

Her classmates, aided by the School’s Spirit committee, wanted to show support for Avree, and boost her family’s spirit by acknowledging Avree’s strength and perseverance. At the same time they are also learning about the important work that the liver does in the human body.

Sandberg comments Avree is a beloved classmate and missed very much. “Her classmates talk about her daily. She continues to be a very important part of their class as her bravery sticks with them.”

Avree will be travelling to BC Children’s hospital soon, for the remainder of her recovery, which is a lengthy process.  Sandberg says they hope to see Avree back at school for the 2024/2025 school year.

“I am very proud of our school community and the outpouring of support and compassion they have extended to Avree and her family,” comments Principal Rob Ellis.