School District No. 83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap)

About Business & Operations

​For most parents, their experience with the school district is defined by their contact with their school and their child’s teacher, but there is a great deal going on behind the scenes to support our classrooms.

Business & Operations services includes everything from preparation and coordination of the district’s annual operating budget, payroll, risk management, recording and maintaining minutes of the Board to the extensive work of managing and maintaining the school district’s fleet of buses and vehicles,  transportation routes, and the maintenance of district schools and facilities.

​​Business & Operations Contacts
​Secretary Treasurer  ​Dale Culler ​(250) 804-7830
​Executive Assistant – Secretary Treasurer ​Veronica Deacon ​(250) 804-7830
​Director of Finance ​Jeremy Hunt ​(250) 804-7833
Director of Operations Travis Elwood ​(250) 832-9415
Manager of Operations Trevor Bettcher (250) 832-9415
Transportation Manager Andrea Kathrein (250) 832-9415
Operations Office   (250) 832-9415
Facility Rentals Barb Keehn  (250) 832-2157