Consultation meeting and two surveys

Consultation meeting and two surveys

School District No. 83 students, staff, parents, and community members have been participating in consultation sessions around the school district. There is one more public session scheduled, which will focus on the North Shuswap, Sorrento and Carlin areas, on March 11 at 6 p.m. at Sorrento Elementary School.

Information and ideas gathered from these consultations will help guide trustees as they develop the district’s 10 year long range facilities plan. Missed the public consultation sessions? There are other ways to provide input!

To participate in Long Range Facilities Plan survey (open until March 12) Click Here or, if you prefer, email your input to trustees by sending to

To read the full copy of the Long Range Facilities Plan, click here
For details on the original options being discussed, see Section 8, pages 86-95.

SD83 is also collecting input on a draft 2020-21 District Calendar. Please click here to read information and provide input.