Strategic Plan and Communication Survey Results

Strategic Plan and Communication Survey Results

This spring the School District No. 83 Communication Committee asked staff and stakeholders to participate in a quick survey that focused on our Strategic Plan Goals, with an additional focus on district communication in support of organizational efficiency. The purpose of the survey was to provide baseline data in measuring perceptions regarding the work we do to move our Strategic Plan forward in the coming years. We had 690 participants respond, with 525 of those identifying as parents, and majority of the rest being employees.

The chart below shows the main questions in the survey, with the answers broken out into vertical columns showing “All Respondents”, “Public” for non-employees, and “Staff” for employees. The questions were designed to convert the Strategic Plan goals into a belief statement with a Likert style rating using frequency. The wellness goal was divided into separate questions for students and staff, because the Communication Committee felt it would be more informative to consider the information separately.

Since the strategic planning process began in February of 2017 and the main goals were determined by the working groups through the spring of that year, it is likely some progress has been made, but it is clear from the results that the goals were appropriate and that there is still much work to do.

Strat Plan Results

The graph below has been clipped right from the survey tool and shows the primary ways that staff and stakeholders prefer to receive information from the school or the District. This information will be used to develop the District Communication Plan, which will guide our practice and inform staff and stakeholder as to how information is shared.

Communication all

If you participated in the survey, thank you again for your input. You may expect another opportunity next April and annually for the duration of this iteration of our Strategic Plan.


Peter Jory

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